Talking about ACES at the Florida Automated Vehicles Summit

In November, the Turo government affairs team spoke at the Florida Automated Vehicles Summit (FAV) in Tampa, FL. Turo shared their perspective on shared vehicles as part of the larger discussion on Automated, Connected, Electric and Shared (ACES) mobility solutions.

 At the FAV Summit, transportation experts and mobility providers share their viewpoint and perspectives on future mobility, including operations, law, infrastructure, and public policy. Turo spoke at the summit about how peer-to-peer car sharing allow to usage of underutilized vehicles to create new mobility options for others and that existing laws and regulations should be updated to accurately reflect new and different mobility solutions, like peer-to-peer car sharing.

When discussing laws and regulations for new mobility solutions, Florida State Senator Jeff Brandes stated “It’s really about making sure that we’re focused on the wide array of options that people now have for mobility.”

States like Florida have taken many steps to continue to support diverse mobility solutions along with the use and deployment of new ACES mobility solutions across the state. As mobility solutions evolve, state legislators and mobility platforms will need to work together to create an appropriate legislative and regulatory framework to ensure mobility access and consumer choices for all. Turo’s government affairs team is primed to work with the State of Florida to continue to allow peer-to-peer car sharing to be a mobility solution for the sunshine state.
