Help support Turo in Michigan
The Michigan legislature is currently considering a package of bills (HB 5949, HB 5950, and HB 5951) that would create a sensible regulatory framework for peer-to-peer car sharing. Cementing peer-to-peer car sharing rules in state law would help ensure that guests can access reliable transportation when and where they need it while guaranteeing hosts can continue to build thriving businesses on Turo.
Stories from the Turo community have been crucial to advancing thoughtful car sharing policy initiatives across the country, so now’s your chance to share your story.
Please share your unique story with members of the Michigan legislature — it would go a long way in protecting your right to share and book cars on Turo.
Your voice can help keep Turo accessible for all
We’ve made it simple to contact your representatives by email with a few clicks. Once you’ve taken action, please consider following the prompts to record a short video that we can share with lawmakers in Lansing.
Thanks for being a part of the Turo community and advocating for peer-to-peer car sharing!
Thank you for responding to our campaign. By responding, you authorize Turo to display, publish, obtain, or distribute testimonials or other statements. In addition, Turo may use photographs from your listing that contain your likeness, name, or image, as well as the likeness or image of your property. If you have any questions, please reach out to us at