Help Turo at BWI


Make your voice heard

Turo is closer than it has ever been to securing a peer-to-peer car sharing permit at Baltimore/Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport (BWI) and we need your help to get it across the finish line. 

In January 2021, the Maryland Board of Public Works is expected to vote on a permit that will enable Turo hosts to deliver cars curbside to guests at BWI airport. This permit has been agreed upon and approved by BWI staff and Turo — making it a first-of-its-kind permit for peer-to-peer car sharing. 

There is one problem, however. Enterprise Rent-A-Car is doing everything they can to stop this permit from moving forward. Relying on campaign contributions, political pressure, and threats of lawsuits, they’re choosing to attack peer-to-peer car sharing customers like you – Maryland residents, who use Turo as an economic empowerment opportunity or an affordable mobility option. 

Your voice can help!

We’re calling on our community to highlight the need for peer-to-peer car sharing at BWI and show the Board of Public Works how this permit can make a difference in the lives of Marylanders.